Lakshmi mudra, mantra and meditation

Instructions on forming the mudra are below. You may want to practice, then try forming it as you settle into your meditation.

Lakshmi mudra, mantra and meditation
Increase Prosperity 

The Lakshmi Goddess Archetype represents of all kinds of abundance, but mostly, that of generous, spirit. As they say, happiness is an inside job. She embodies the strong, feminine power of love, laughter, vitality and graciousness. In two of her four hands she holds; lotuses, representing spiritual transformation. With the third hand, she gestures fear not, with Abhaya mudra. Finally, out of the fourth hand fall golden coins, suggesting both flowing prosperity and generosity.
If one word represents Lakshmi, it is “sri,” and indeed Lakshmi’s bija or seed sound is “Srim.” There are no exact translations of the words sri or srim, but this constellation of words gives you a better understanding of the seed sounds meaning; sublime beauty, blessings, contentment, generosity, grace, humor, joy, love, and prosperity. Together, these words only begin to describe the sri qualities of Lakshmi’s being, for everything springs forth from “her.”

This is a powerfully centering mudra. It gestures surrender and openness, power and confidence. It doesn’t reflect entitlement, but the ability to give and receive freely.

Lakshmi bija (seed) mantra: Om Srim Maha Lakshmyai Svaha
Said phonetically: Om sreem-maha lock- shmee- ay swa-ha

Form the mudra with both your right and left hands. Middle, ring fingers and pinky fingers curl and press into the palm of the hand. Elbows bend, hands lift to heart level, as if you’re going to pound on a door. Point your index finger straight upwards at first, then press your thumb inwards towards your middle finger so the tip points straight up, now, bend the index finger so the first pad of your index finger meets the tip of your thumb. Don’t bend your thumb!

Center: Sit comfortably; Close your eyes; Take several deep breaths and settle.

Meditation: Hold the mudra and repeat her seed sound, srim (shreem) srim, srim, srim, or her full seed mantra, as above. This can be done out loud or silently. Notice that this mudra mantra combination creates a steady, flowing energy stream.

As this is Lakshmi’s “seed” sound, imagine that you are holding the seed of srim between your thumb and index fingers. This srim particle represents light energy, like the yet unimaginably, powerful energy of nuclear fusion. The seed that you hold between your finger-tips contains incredibly luminous energy, and your body becomes the dark, fertile soil in which you plant it. Hold the mudra and repeat her seed sound until you can feel energy pulsating between your fingertips …in your heart …and perhaps throughout your whole body. Receive “srim” energy through your heart center with your inhalations, then picture the same luminosity flowing out with your exhalations, until every cell of your body is brimming with luminosity, and then breathe this light back out into the space surrounding you, until it encircles you like the sun.

 The power of the open, loving and generous heart of Lakshmi is the power behind the blooming of the lotus. Picture the Goddess before you and imagine that your hands hold the most beautiful blooming lotuses you can imagine. Offer them first to Lakshmi and then to anyone in your life that needs this powerful healing gesture of energy. Notice that you receive as you give, and that in essence giving and receiving are one and the same.


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